Thursday, August 11, 2011


Well I'm sorry if your reading my blogs all the time and then like a month goes by without a word!  Its been busy.  So here is my garden story.

 The weeds have won again this year lol.  Its just too big a garden and our yard is so small that grass, chicken shavings, and shredded paper are not enough.  I bought a weed eater to keep the big stuff down and just grow tough plants lol.

 The coons ate my corn and then a wind storm blew through and flattened all of it.  Thats how I saw they ate it.  So since we eat like 20 quarts of corn a winter I am going to either hope for a miracle from God or go buy corn at the amish dented can area.  I will have to buy about 50 cans of corn to probably measure the same amount and you know its not going to be as good cause it not right off the cob.

My green beans are barely producing.  The shallow roots that they had because they were washed to the top of the soil kept them dehydrated in our 90 degree weather.  Plus the crap grass choked them out.  They have produced enough for us to eat for dinner each week but luckily God had a plan.  I received enough green beans to cover winter, from a church friend of mine.

My zucchini died..all 3 plants.  Its ok I got one zucchini off it and that was enough to last me all year lol.  I used to love it fried but now eating it once is enough.

My winter squash died.  The same bugs that ate my winter squash also ate my zucchini plants.  I dont know what they are but they dont care about Seven liquid spray you have to use powder and I ran out this year and thanks to the government I cant buy the big bags of it anymore.

I think my pumpkins are dying lol. Yeah my garden is doing rather sucky this year.  I"m ok without pumpkins but it would have been nice to dehydrate more and the kids really wanted to carve a couple.  I am putting powder on them but we will see.  Its also very weedy there and I will have to hand pull those because of the vines.

On a better note.  Tomatoes are doing awesome. Just gotta keep the blight down and under control.  I should not have to plant them next year so that will be good.   My strawberries did great.  Rhubarb did great.  Potatoes still going but they look good too.  Watermelon and cantelope are doing excellent.  I have at least 10 of each.  I'm still up in the air about the brussel sprouts..if it stays cooler they will be ok, same with my cabbage. I"m going to plant some more cabbage this weekend and let that go.  My second planting of carrots got weeded out but I think are still going to produce something, what little plants took.  My second planting of beans didnt take but I think that was mostly old seed.  My green peppers looked horrible but then started to look good.  We will have to see about them.  They should be producing now and are just flowering.  All in all its been an ok garden season.  I was able to pick blackberries to freeze.  We will have to cut them all down this year and let them regrow.  It wont give us anything next year but the year after should be really nice.  Next years asparagus should be great too.  I really hope I can get the greenhouse done by the end of the year so that I can grow some things inside it.  With the weather being super crazy this year I need some place less seasonal.

Well there's my update, sorry I havet posted earlier.  I"m still working on my post for when I plant and harvest things so you all will be ready for next year.  Posting will be sparse for a while because my kids are attending an online school and they will be home.  Wish me luck!

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