Saturday, November 12, 2011

Homemade Chicken Broth

Well I bet you thought I died or something!  No just started trying to organize life and keep on keeping on.  I'll blog in a minute about what I've been doing.  So today I want to share about this website I found.  You would think I would have thought of this already but no..not me..  I found a site on making your own chicken broth.  I have tried this before but have gone about it all wrong..terribly terribly wrong.  Live and learn I guess.  So here is the right way lol.  I love this website along with another called Stacy Makes Cents.  I've spent hours today reading on different things to help our family with living frugally.  So today I decided to make chicken broth.  I actually found a video first about doing it and not this recipe so I'm going to give you what I have put in. 

Chicken Broth
1-chicken carcass
8-baby carrots
1 tsp celery seed
1 tsp garlic powder
2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar
2 TBS salt
1 TBS pepper
1 bay leaf
a handful of dried carrot tops
a handful of dried onions
handful of fresh spinach

Put in your crockpot, put just enough water to cover the carcass, put on low and leave for 24 hours.  Strain off the liquid when its done and put it in a mason jar. Store in the fridge or use it right away.  Then the stuff left in the crock pot keep in there and fill it again with water and vinegar until it is just covering the carcass and let go again for 24 hours.  You apparently can get like 4 or 5 batches this way before things start completely falling apart.

So I had this problem and now its solved.  I butchered some of my chickens..the older, nonlaying ones.  I needed to make room.  I did 5 and cooked them on the stove till they were almost done.  My plan was to take off the meat and can it.  Well needless to say the meat did not come off the bone.  So I put all my chickens in the freezer in bags..carcass and all.  I was just going to pressure cook them the day we were going to eat them.  I came across this recipe and have a carcass laying fact I have 5!  So I put one in the crockpot and away we go.  You will have to add seasoning to your taste.  What I've done is put that amount in and add stuff here and there as its cooking.  Its been on for almost 12 hours now and is developing a nice flavor.  The reason for the vinegar, I am really suppose to put in 1/4 cup..but I'm too scared, is to help break down the bone and allow the nutrients to come forth.  Something about breaking down the phytic acid.  Its the same concept on people soaking grains too..makes them easier to digest.  Apparently its all the rage and I didnt get the memo.  Anyway its already delicious.  Sorry I dont have a picture  :(                                      OH and one person said that when your carcass finally falls apart after all those can feed it to the dog as mushy dog food!  Cool no waste!

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