Saturday, November 12, 2011

Virtual Schooling my children

So not sure if I blogged about this or not but I took my kids out of our town's school.  It just wasn't working out.  I am now home with the kids and they are in Indiana Connections Academy or INCA for short.  This is an online public school similar to K12.  They have online lessons, Skype type live lessons with their teacher, books at home to use and workbooks to make it all complete.  We have been starting school at 7am and we end at 2 each day.  Their grades are not what I would say are a big improvement but they are fairly good.  Right now my youngest son is on honor roll with 2 A's and 2 B's and my older son who hates school has 2 B's and 2 C+'s.  I feel at this point they would have lower grades had I kept them in our towns school.  School has been going fairly well.  There are days when I want to pull my hair out and other days when I am super glad they are doing well.  I really wanted to know what my kids were studying, when they were learning it, and if they were truly learning it.  I found that once we were virtual schooling, their whole attitudes changed.  My oldest would come home everyday full of hatred and anger.  You didn't dare talk to him for at least an hour.  Don't even think of trying to get him to do homework.  My younger didn't seem to have that many issues with school although his grades were poor because of expressive language issues and a problem concentrating with background noise.  It wasn't just the after school attitude that changed though.  The major things that changed were they were nice.  Now most parents would say their kid is nice on the whole..and they were..but when you come to a weekend and all you get is fighting and name calling..well that pretty much disappeared.  I am talking about ready to pull my hair out to manageable.  They never used to listen to me they do.  The level of respect around here has really risen.  They still are boys and little buggers at that..but they do not show the level of disrespect they did up to this year.  It really has been an experience.  I'm still not fully convinced I like this online school.  Science and Social studies are two subjects my children need to slow down in but we've made it work.  The kids hate the writing assignments and are not free to express themselves on the subject given.  We also hate the portfolios you have to do and mail to the teacher.  So I will stick it out this year and then decide if I want to go total homeschool for next year.  That's why I haven't blogged..I am in school all day and then I'm still trying to make a go at transcription.  AAAHHHH!!! OK I think I can do this.  I just take one day at a time!

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