Friday, December 2, 2011

Opps that's not Yogurt!

So I have tried to make homemade yogurt before. I've never really succeeded.  I decided to use whole milk and a new crock pot.  My new crockpot has a warm and it only gets to 120. I looked it up..its still ok for yogurt.  So I had some starts from my yogurt adventures before and put in two ice cubes for my 2 quarts.  Let it cook for like 5 hours.  I stirred it a few times and did not see much change. But the lady said it would thicken in the fridge so I poured it into my quart jars and into the fridge it went.  Next morning I was prepared for yogurt!

So bright idea I have is to redo it sorta.  I put it back in the crock pot, put two more ice cubes in of starter and warm the milk back up.  I stirred it here and there and it was looking thick and creamy.  I checked it a few hours later and stirred thick and creamy is now separating into curds and whey...thats not right.  What is this stuff??  So I let it sit another hour or so.

In the meantime I look online trying to find out what is going on and did you know your not suppose to stir all!! Opps! I then decide I'm going to strain off the whey and see what I got.  So after placing it in cheesecloth and pressing the whey out and letting it hang... I think I have Ricotta!  That's not how it is made but it tastes the same to me lol.  Normally when you make cottage cheese or mozarella you can recook the whey and get ricotta but apparently this works as well.  It definitely needs seasoning but it would work well in stuffed shells or lasagna.

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