Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Holy Hotness!!

Well I've been inside mostly trying to get cool.  Its been in the middle to high 90's here the past few days.  I have tried really hard not to cook.  I have to make bread but have been trying to hold off until tomorrow with the hope of the "cold front" that is suppose to come and lower us back down into the high 70's. 

My poor garden is looking horrible during the day.  I bought a new sprinkler.  I had two last year, one leaked REALLY bad and was more of a waste then help.  The other I put high on a landscape timber in the middle of the back garden.  My corn got so high last year that I couldnt water it.  I am hoping this year the landscape timber will help.  With the new sprinkler plus my old one I can water my entire garden at once and not miss anything.  Of course it means sprinkling my chickens too but the last two days they have been fine with it! I did manage to harvest two of those plastic walmart containers full of strawberries out of my garden.  I took those along with the 4 I bought at Aldi's and the last of my mature rhubarb stalks and made jelly with my boy.  I call it jelly but its probably preserves, or jam, or something else.  I dont get all technical its all jelly to me.  You spread it on toast and eat it with peanut butter lol.  I also have gotten two pickings of sugar snap peas.  I swear if I go into the garden and work a bit, all my plants seem to grow overnight!  I picked those peas totally gone.  Skipped a day and then had to pick another couple handfuls today of huge normal size peas.  I also bought some straw and put that over my watermelon and muskmelon section.  Had some left over and put it around my zucchini plants.  I went out today and they doubled in size!  I guess some plants like it HOT and some just wish it was winter again like my lettuce.  I still have some plants to place in the garden and some to restart.  I hope its better tomorrow.  My plan is to mow and place the grass in some newly planted pepper plants.  They are still mega small but I think they will grow better in the garden then in my start container.  Plus some of my tomatoes died when I planted so I'm gonna throw a few roma or cherry tomato plants in with my normal ones.  I am also going to start my pumpkins this weekend.  Still trying to decide on the whole winter squash thing.  Might plant my second planting of lettuce and carrots too. Cant decide.  Guess it will depend on weather and time.

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