Friday, June 3, 2011

Lovin Life

Sorry its been so long since I blogged.  I've just been enjoying the rain free week or so we've been having.  Memorial Day was great. I went to my best friends parents house for a cook-out like we do every year.  It was great seeing all of them again.  You dont realize how much you miss your friends parents till you dont see them hardly at all.  They have a wealth of knowledge that I enjoy obtaining from them.  She's the one who got me planting at St. Patricks day.  Something that came in extremely valuable this year.  Most of my root crops went in just a little after St. Pat's day and then we got tons of rain.  They are doing really well this year.  Had I waited I wouldnt have been able to get into my garden to plant them.  

Things are going really well here. I bought 2 seedless concord grape vines and planted them in my back garden along the fence.  They say it will be about 3 years if you prune correctly.  I have looked things up online but I'm going to see if youtube has any videos.  I bought seedless because I want to make juice mostly and dont want to have to deal with seeds.  I have wild grapes out here but they are getting overrun with blackberries, and this weird fake grape looking plant.  I looked it up once.  All I know is it produces grape looking berries but they are poisonous.  I am not getting the crop of grapes I did a few years ago but cant really get back in this field corner to fix the problem so I just decided to go buy some.

Today I went grocery shopping.  I decided to stop at Aldi's which is one of those stores like save a lot where you bring your own bags. They try to keep the cost down but most of it is prepackaged food that we dont eat.  I really wanted perogies ( I know I spelled that wrong) and dont really feel like making them. While I was there I did do some shopping and got some green peppers, strawberries, and bananas.  Walmart has bananas for 54 cents and Aldi had them for 44..but when I looked at the sign it said 1/2 off bananas!  What? excuse me?  I looked at the bananas and grabbed half a banana box full.  These were going bad but guess what because of a smart purchase last summer I have a dehydrator.  I can use these older bananas that others cant, so I get the deal most dont.  I have a dehydrator full of banana chips plus I made a double batch of banana bread. ( it smells so freakin good in here right now!) You can freeze that once its made and enjoy it whenever you want.  All my bananas cost me like $3!  Since the strawberries were only 99 for a container I got 4 of them.  My garden strawberries are going this year but I planted plants this spring so they arent giving the fruit they will next year.  I have gotten about 2 handfuls, one each day.  I am trying to decide if I want to make strawberry jelly or dehydrate them.  I have 24 hours to decide lol. Dehydrator is full.

Right now life is good.  My bills are paid, my garden is rocking produce, my dehydrator is full,  my pantry is filling slowly with "backup" food, and life is good.  I have to give all the credit to God.  Without his blessings on my life, on my lifestyle, giving me crop sharing friends, and blessing our finances...I would be nothing.  I am so greatful that I can do what God is calling me to do and to enjoy working for the Lord.

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