Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saddened by a loss

Everytime I get a favorite chicken and become attached, they end up dead somehow.  It happened again.  My beloved peachy cream.  She was a mostly white golden comet.  I loved her dearly.  She was such a human.  She would always be the last one in, making sure all were in bed.  She would come up to me and "talk" to me, love on me, and she just generally cared that I loved her.  Its sad to say but instead of being angry at a neighbors dog or at a coon, hawk, or skunk...I have to be mad at one of my cats.  Its the only explanation of the time of day she disappeared and the location I found all the feathers.  I"m so upset, I want to cry but its my third favorite that died.  She had gotten out of her pen like she always does and goes picking around the yard, mostly in my garden.  Apparently that was her downfall this time.  The cats have never even hinted at the chickens.  They walk by them when the free range and dont even look at them.  Its just sad to say but I miss her terribly.  Its almost better not knowing sometimes.  I guess I will be finding homes for my cats and reinforce the chicken run so none can get out.  I went out this morning and all the others of the same kind and size were all "talking" to me telling me what happened.   Goodbye my beloved peachy cream, I'll miss you.

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